Your Privacy is under attack

In a world where drones are becoming increasingly prevalent in delivery services, government operations, and private use, safeguarding your privacy is paramount. With billions invested by companies like Amazon, UPS, FedEx, and DHL in drone delivery systems, and various government agencies employing drones for diverse purposes, it's essential to ensure that your personal space remains secure. At Zanger Security, we understand the importance of distinguishing between legitimate drone activities and potential intrusions into your privacy. Our advanced technology is designed to recognize authorized drone operations while alerting you to the presence of drones that may be surveilling you and your loved ones without consent. Join us in safeguarding your privacy and maintaining control over your airspace with Zanger Security

Our awesome features

Media Reports

Only the Headlines...

How Organized Crime Networks Are Using Drones to Their Advantage

Criminal groups increasingly deploying drones -- for purposes ranging from surveillance to reported armed attacks of rivals -- has provoked a strong government response in Mexico. But will it be enough?

Ten outrageous crimes committed using drones

According to a Sky News investigation, in 2018 in the UK alone, there have been more than 2400 reports of incidents involving drones. From road traffic collisions, criminal damage to voyeurism and stalking.

The rise of drone crime

The criminal UAV issue is not limited to America by any means. Police in the UK received 3,456 incident reports of drones behaving badly in 2016, a threefold jump from 2015, a 12-fold increase since 2014 and equivalent to 10 complaints a day.


Our awesome features

Millions of Commercial and privately owned drones:

You and your family will be spied on and bombarded with marketing companies

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